Category: FAQ


Below, you’ll find some frequently asked questions about our AI Chat that will help you understand the technology behind this feature. Didn’t find the answer to your question? Don’t hesitate to contact support and we’ll make sure it gets added!

Ways to customize the Cludo Assistant

This article covers possible configuration options for the Cludo Assistant. Note that you will currently have to go through Cludo’s support team to have your Cludo Assistant configuration updated. As long as you already have Cludo Assistant implemented, updates will be done free of charge. Possible configuration options Below is . . . Read more

Ways to index content

Indexing content is an important part of having an efficient search functionality. There are three distinct ways to index content that can be utilized. Crawling Crawling is the most common method of indexing content and is automatically performed when setting up and activating a crawler. Crawling is the activity of . . . Read more

Unique Searches vs Total Searches

MyCludo analytics distinguishes between unique and total searches, which can be viewed in the analytics dashboard. Total Searches: Total searches represent every search query made, regardless of how many times it occurs. Each time a user initiates a search, whether it’s the same search performed multiple times, it contributes to . . . Read more

Can I set an idle timeout in MyCludo?

It is possible to set an idle timeout in MyCludo. Simply navigate to Profile Settings → Security and set the idle timeout by picking an option from the list. Note that the idle timeout is set on account level by admins. The default idle timeout is 30 days.

How does Cludo approach and comply with accessibility standards (WCAG)?

This article describes how Cludo approaches and supports accessibility across our products. Implementation Our different implementation types and features are all tested and optimized to meet accessibility requirements. We take user feedback seriously and prioritize addressing accessibility concerns, even when these demand extra time and effort. Furthermore, when our customers . . . Read more

What cookies does MyCludo use?

In compliance with our commitment to transparency and privacy, Cludo aims to provide comprehensive information regarding the cookies and local storage utilized on the MyCludo platform.  No third-party cookies are stored in MyCludo. However, local storage serves as a successor to cookies, ensuring that they are treated equally under EU . . . Read more

What are analytics filters?

With analytics filters, you are able to filter your analytics data based on one or more of the following parameters: This will provide you with a better in-depth insight into certain user groups. To learn how to use analytics filters, visit How to filter analytics.

What are anonymized IP addresses?

The Anonymize IP addresses feature in MyCludo prevents the storage of IP addresses. Cludo replaces the last three IP digits with zeros to anonymize the IP address. The replacement happens instantly every time an event is registered, and Cludo does not store the original IP address. This setting works retroactively, . . . Read more