Best practice for misspellings

The Misspellings feature allows you to add custom corrections of misspellings. However, it is not the only way the search engine will attempt to correct an incorrectly spelled search term. Before you set up a bunch of misspellings for common search terms, it can be good to understand what is supported out of the box.

What to consider before setting up a Misspelling pair

Cludo has a lot of advanced analyzing on search terms, which can automatically correct misspelled search terms. So start by simply running a test search with the misspelled search term and see if you get the expected results.

Cludo supports fuzzy matching, which allows letters to be skipped or switched neighboring letters. The search engine will automatically correct the following cases without any misspellings added:


Searching for “jornalism” would match “journalism”, because only 1 letter was missing.
Searching for “journilism” would match “journalism”, because only 1 letter was incorrect.
Searching for “samsnug” would match “samsung”, because only two neighbouring letters were switched.

Remember that misspellings are always language specific and will affect all engines with the given language.

How do you find inspiration for misspellings?

Look for searches with no results or a low click-through rate (ineffective searches) to find out where it makes sense to add a manual misspelling. Being reactive when setting up misspellings ensure that the configuration is based on actual use cases rather than hypothetical misspellings that may never occur.