How to style the Intelligent 404 module

Once Intelligent 404 is implemented on a website, it is possible to use the following CSS selectors to style how elements should appear on the website.

Results title

#cludo-404.override h3 {
  /* Insert styling */

Results list

#cludo-404.override ul {
  /* Insert styling */

Results list items

#cludo-404.override ul li {
  /* Insert styling */

Results list items title

#cludo-404.override ul li h4 {
  /* Insert styling */

Results list items links

#cludo-404.override ul li a  {
  /* Insert styling */

Loader animation

#cludo-404.override h3 {
  /* Insert styling */
  /* Use border-color to change the animation color*/
  border-color: rgb(183, 63, 160);
