Category: FAQ

How to delete an engine

For security reasons, engines can only be deleted by Cludo staff. If you need to delete an engine, please contact support and let us know the ID(s) of the engine(s) you would like to delete.

What file types does Cludo index?

The indexability of a file is not defined by its extension (e.g. “.pdf”), but rather by the content type, as returned in the HTTP headers. In the list below, we have added extensions as examples. Supported file types

How many requests does the crawler make?

Our crawler will always attempt to make as many requests as possible, often requesting multiple pages per second, but the actual frequency of requests depends on the server response from the website. Some websites might also have a crawl delay set in their robots.txt, which can impact how many requests . . . Read more

What stop words does Cludo use?

Stop words are fill words that don’t provide any context and they will be ignored in the search query, thereby increasing relevancy in search. There is a list of stop words for every language that is supported by Cludo. Below you can find the stop words for a few languages: . . . Read more

What browsers does Cludo support?

The MyCludo interface is designed for desktop first but responsive support, which means it will resize and adjust to individual screens sizes including mobile devices. Compatible MyCludo browsers Compatible Template browsers The overlay and inline templates and any custom implementations by Cludo are compatible on all platforms (Desktop, Mobile, Tablet) . . . Read more

Does Cludo support lemmatization?

Lemmatization is the process of grouping together the inflected forms of a word so they can be analyzed as a single item, identified by the word’s lemma, or dictionary form. Unlike stemming, lemmatization depends on correctly identifying the intended part of speech and meaning of a word in a sentence, . . . Read more

Why are there no referral URLs in the Intelligent 404 analytics?

The way Intelligent 404 referral URLs are registered is different from referred page URLs for searches (search origin pages). For searches, the referral information is added to the URL. When the visitor lands on the search results page, Cludo will grab the referralURL from the query parameters passed to the . . . Read more

Why are the Cludo analytics different from Google Analytics?

When a visitor searches, it triggers CludoJS. CludoJS sends the analytics to Google Analytics and to Cludo. If the user has any adblockers activated on their browser, all requests to Google Analytics will likely be blocked, which can cause differences in the analytics, Additionally, if for any reason a request . . . Read more

What languages does Cludo support?

The natural language processing at Cludo consists of multiple steps: Supported Languages Language ISO code Tokenization Elision Stop words Stemming Arabic ar ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Armenian hy ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Basque eu ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Brazilian pt-br ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Bulgarian bg ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ . . . Read more

How does the language of a site affect my search setup?

The number of languages on a website will often determine the number of crawlers and engines needed for a site search. For accurate indexing, you need a unique crawler for each language site. This is important in order to fully support each language and ensure that the results returned are . . . Read more