Category: FAQ

Why is this page not indexed?

Once a crawler has crawled the defined domain(s), you may experience a specific page not being added to the search index. This will typically be due to one of the following reasons: Feel free to contact support if you have further questions on why a page was not indexed as . . . Read more

Does Cludo support bigram matching?

Cludo supports bigram matching as one of multiple natural language processing tools. Bigram matching allows better support for compound words, meaning words consisting of multiple words. Bigram matching is especially useful for certain languages where compound words are very common, such as the Nordic languages. It can also be useful . . . Read more

What cookies and similar technologies does Cludo use?

Cludo uses cookies to gather information about user behavior. This data helps improve user experience and is used for the statistics you see in MyCludo. Cludo uses local storage, which, in short, is a successor to cookies so they are effectively treated the same under EU cookie laws and GDPR. . . . Read more