Author: Cludo

How are compound words treated in searches?

What is a compound word? A compound word is a word that consists of two or more nouns that together form a word with its own meaning, which is very typical in some languages, like the Scandinavian languages. How is a compound word treated in a search? When searching, a . . . Read more

Filtering searches

If you would like an existing engine to only show results for a specific area, this can be done by adding a filter in the script. Scoped search allows you to limit search results to a specific section or type of content within the website instead of searching across the whole . . . Read more

How does Cludo index files?

As long as a file is machine-readable (not an image), Cludo is able to crawl its content along with the information sent with the HTTP headers. How to enable or disable file indexing By default, the crawler is configured to index files for the specified domain. You can enable or disable . . . Read more

Page Inventory

If you’re ever wondering about the number of pages in your search results or find the need to check up on any indexed content, Page Inventory is here to help. Page Inventory will provide you with an overview of indexed content for all your crawlers to provide you with a . . . Read more

How to avoid duplicate results?

When searching, you may experience the same content appearing more than once in the results. Since a crawler is unable to index the same URL twice, this will always be due to the same content existing on multiple URLs. That is, of course, unless you have two crawlers that index . . . Read more

Why is this file not indexed?

Once a crawler has crawled the defined domain(s), you may experience a specific file not being added to the search index. This will typically be due to one of the following reasons:

Web Content Highlighter

What is Web Content highlighter? Web Content Highlighter is a feature that highlights the search query on the specific landing page the visitor has selected from the search results. This makes it easier for the visitor to find exactly what they were searching for. This way, the feature helps to . . . Read more

What is smart crawling?

Smart crawling allows the crawler to run more frequently, leveraging the XML sitemap(s) of your site. It uses the lastmod timestamps in the sitemap to detect if a page was updated since the last crawl. This allows the crawler to only re-crawl recently modified pages, saving time and resources when . . . Read more

Translations and Language

Change default translations Default translations are the small pieces of text that appear in the template of the website, such as “did you mean..” or “your search for …”. These are automatically translated into the language that the search is set up for. However, it is possible to rephrase or . . . Read more

What are search categories?

The “Category” field is a standard field in the crawler, and can be set up to identify a specific type of content when crawling. This can be useful when implementing the template as it becomes very easy to implement a filter on said category. The example above is just one . . . Read more