Analytics allow you to explore collected data from your visitors.
Note: The available options may differ according to the type of purchased package.
There are three categories within Analytics and each has a series of options:
Searches: This section provides an overview of the data collected from the queries that your visitors entered.
- All searches: This includes the three types of written searches: Searches with results, Searches without results, and Ineffective searches. For more information, please read the article All searches.
- Searches with results: The search terms found here are the ones that triggered results when a visitor triggered a query. For more information, please read the article Searches with results.
- Searches without results: These are search terms that did not produce any results in your search. This data is valuable because it can indicate whether you need to add some content or use Synonyms or Misspellings for a certain search query that has relevant content. For more information, please read the article Searches without results.
- Ineffective searches: These are search queries that showed results but did not interest your visitors in the content. You can use Page Rankings to customize the most relevant results for a search query, which may boost your visitors’ engagement. For more information, please read the article Ineffective searches.
- Voice searches: Please read the article Voice Searches.
User trends: This section helps you understand the search queries that your visitors enter on your site, their locations, and the most visited pages. You can also see the types of devices that your visitors use to search.
- Search origin pages: read the article Search origin pages.
- Search Destination Pages: read the article Search Destination Pages
- Geo data: read the article Geo data.
- Device data: read the article Device data.
Modules: The modules section includes data from the following modules.
- Intelligent 404: read the article Intelligent 404 Analytics.
- Banner activity: read the article Banner activity.
- AI Chat: read the article AI Chat Analytics.
- Ai Summary: read the article AI Summary Analytics.
How do time zones work for analytics?
The analytics showing in MyCludo and the analytics newsletter are based on the timezone of the browser that is used to login to MyCludo.