Tag: Engine

What are Insights & Analytics?

Insights & Analytics allow you to explore collected data from your visitors. Note: The available options may differ according to the type of purchased package. There are three categories within Insights & Analytics and each has a series of options: Searches: This section provides an overview of the data collected . . . Read more


What is an Engine? The engine is at the heart of the search setup. When implementing search on the website, an engine is needed to define which results to present. An engine can be connected to the search index of one or multiple crawlers, for added flexibility. A lot of . . . Read more

Ineffective searches

What are Ineffective searches? Ineffective searches encompass every search that has zero engagement by visitors within a selected period of time. Visitor search terms with a low click-through rate (CTR) are also considered ineffective. The following actions are included in Ineffective searches. Table of ineffective searches of the last 7 . . . Read more

Banner activity

Banner activity displays a list of every banner that has been searched for within a selected period of time. The following actions are included in the Banner activity: Table of Banner activity of the last 30 days. The numerical value of Unique searches represents the frequency of searches for a specific banner. . . . Read more

Filtering searches

If you would like an existing engine to only show results for a specific area, this can be done by adding a filter in the script. Scoped search allows you to limit search results to a specific section or type of content within the website instead of searching across the whole . . . Read more

Page Inventory

If you’re ever wondering about the number of pages in your search results or find the need to check up on any indexed content, Page Inventory is here to help. Page Inventory will provide you with an overview of indexed content for all your crawlers to provide you with a . . . Read more

Avoiding duplicate results

When searching, you may experience the same content appearing more than once in the results. Since a crawler is unable to index the same URL twice, this will always be due to the same content existing on multiple URLs. That is, of course, unless you have two crawlers that index . . . Read more

How to perform a Test search

The Test search feature in MyCludo allows you to test the search and review result rankings on an engine without using the engine in an implementation. This makes it useful for testing recently applied changes, such as crawler updates or tools that were added for certain terms. With the test . . . Read more