Improving your search queries

With Cludo, when performing various searches, it is possible to utilize different characters to further refine the query and make a more advanced search. These search options can be used by any user, but may not be intuitive unless this documentation is read. You can consider including parts of this on your search page if you think it’s relevant to the users on your site.

Phrase match

Putting multiple words in double quotes will require them to appear in this order in the result.


Searching for "whitest rabbit" will only show results where whitest is followed by rabbit. Results that include both words in different places will not be included.

Note: Stemming is still in effect, so results including the words white rabbit or white rabbits (still in that order) will still appear.


Asterix (*) can be used as a placeholder for any content.


Searching for auto* will show results for words like automobile, autodidact, automatic, etc.

Writing the name of a field followed by a colon (:) and a search term will search for results where the search term exists in the specific field.


Searching for Title:journalism will only show results where the title field of the result contains the word journalism.

Note: These fields are set up in your crawler.

Writing url followed by colon (:) and a search term will only show results where the URL matches the searched value.


Searching for will only show results existing on the specific URL

Search operators

The default operator for searches is OR, meaning that searches with more than one word output results that match either one or the other search word. However, the relevancy is still higher if both words appear and are close to each other.

Using AND or OR between two words will override the default search operator to allow more custom control.


Searching for dogs AND cats will only show results where both dogs and cats appear in the results.
Searching for dogs OR cats will show results containing either dog, cats, or both.


Wrapping a search in a parenthesis “()” allows for multiple subgroups of searches, combining multiple search functions in a single search term.


Searching for south* AND rating:(medium OR good) would show any results with a word starting with south like southeast or southwest, and where the rating field has a value of either medium or good.

Exclude words

Writing a minus (-) in front of a word will require results to not contain the word.


Searching for android -samsung will show results where the word android appears, but the word samsung does not appear.

Require words

Writing a plus (+) in front of a word requires the word to appear in the results.


Searching for emptying +trash will only show results for where the word trash appears. However, more relevancy is given to results that also contain the word emptying.


Adding a tilde (~) followed by a number allows you to control how many other words are allowed to be between two words in the search term.


Searching for  "car insurance"~2  will only show results where the words car and insurance have up to 2 words between them. For example, a valid match would be car and motorcycle insurance, but not car financing and different types of insurance.


Adding a caret  (^) after a word followed by a number value would add boosting to the word compared to other words in the search term. The default boosting value is 1, with a lower value than 1 being less important than the default.


Searching for high^0.5 school will show results that contain either high or school. However, when ranking the results, the word high is only half as important as the word school.
