Category: Tools


What is an Audience? The Audiences feature is designed to offer a more personalized search experience for the visitor by adjusting the displayed results based on the known data on the visitor. The visitor data is registered using Google Tag Manager, which in return are turned into “traits”. These traits are used . . . Read more

Pre-search Suggestions

What are Pre-search Suggestions? The Pre-search Suggestions feature allows you to propose popular search terms to the visitor before they start typing. Alongside these terms, which are generated in MyCludo, you can also choose to display Recent searches, allowing the visitor to see their own recent searches if they have . . . Read more

Intelligent Re-ranking

What is Intelligent Re-ranking? Intelligent Re-ranking is a feature that uses two layers of data to improve the ranking of results based on the search term. Both layers use previous search activity and click logs to determine which results were most useful. They apply the same logic to adjust the . . . Read more


What are Boostings? Despite built-in intelligence in Cludo’s algorithm, you may have a need to prioritize certain areas of your site based on various parameters. Boosting gives you control over exactly that. Boostings allow certain results to be ranked higher or lower when they match certain criteria based on static . . . Read more

Page Rankings

What are Page Rankings? A page ranking allows you to pin results at the top of the list for specified search terms. Using specific search terms and/or an audience, it is possible to manually select particular results to be shown above the organic list of results. Page Rankings are engine . . . Read more


What are Synonyms? Synonyms allow you to connect two or more search term that cover the same topic, making sure that no matter how your visitors phrase themselves, they will receive relevant results. By setting up synonyms, the group of search terms will be used interchangeably to show search results . . . Read more


What are Misspellings Misspellings allow you to correct specified search terms that are commonly misspelled by visitors and not automatically detected by the search engine. By defining the correct spelling of an incorrectly spelled search term, the engine will replace the misspelled query with the correct one to display results . . . Read more


What are Banners? Banners allow you to display custom content upon searching for specific terms. This is great for promoting certain information to the users to make sure they see it. Typical scenarios for setting up banners are current information, upcoming events, promotions, or general information such as opening hours. . . . Read more


What are Quicklinks? Quicklinks are a feature that allows you to redirect visitors to a specified URL when they enter specific search terms, bypassing the search results page entirely. This can be especially useful for directing users to highly relevant pages quickly and efficiently. How to set up Quicklinks

Broken link detection

Cludo will automatically keep track of various features and their associated links over time. If a link suddenly stops working, it is possible to see this information in MyCludo. Alternatively, a user can choose to be notified by email with a report of broken tools. Broken link detection works for . . . Read more