Author: Cludo

How to set up Cludo for intranets?

You may wish to implement Cludo on an intranet solution that is otherwise closed to the public. For this, you will want to consider how the crawler should access the site as well as how secure the implementation needs to be. Ways to allow crawling behind login In order to . . . Read more

Related searches

How to set up Related Searches The related searches features shows a list of related search terms, based on the current search term. Clicks on related searches can be seen in the analytics view. To implement related searches on the search results page, The following HTML must be inserted: The . . . Read more

How do I change the language in MyCludo?

The MyCludo interface supports both English and Danish. This guide will explain how to change the interface language for a user. Please note this language change does not affect any engines, visitors, or even other users in MyCludo. If the changed user is the currently logged-in user, the entire interface . . . Read more


What are Quicklinks? Quicklinks are a feature that allows you to redirect visitors to a specified URL when they enter specific search terms, bypassing the search results page entirely. This can be especially useful for directing users to highly relevant pages quickly and efficiently. How to set up Quicklinks

Customize search using CludoJS options

When implementing search on a website, the CludoJS can be used to enable/disable and customize certain features. These settings should be implemented in the CludoSettings script, where the options are defined as an object with multiple parameters. The table below describes each available option, what it does, and examples of . . . Read more

Intelligent 404

What is Intelligent 404? Intelligent 404 is a feature offered by Cludo that helps website visitors find relevant content when they encounter a 404 page. Visitors often encounter 404 error pages while browsing, and we know that many 404 links also reside externally, making it hard to completely prevent. When a . . . Read more

What is the search term analysis?

When interacting with the dashboard and analytics in MyCludo, it is possible to see a full search term analysis for a specific search term. By simply clicking a specific search term from the list, a full analysis is shown for the given search term to provide further insight into the . . . Read more

Search As You Type

What is Search As You Type? Search As You Type is a feature that allows search results to appear as direct links alongside search suggestions while the visitor is entering their search term. When enabled, the search will present search results for every few keystrokes. This allows for faster visitor . . . Read more

What is the dashboard?

When logging into MyCludo, the dashboard is presented. The dashboard is designed to provide a quick, yet detailed overview of the status of each search engine. This dashboard is made up of a series of widgets, each showcasing different insights with options for further analytics. Clicking a widget title will . . . Read more

Device data

Device data is a set of data that the browser shares with Cludo when a visitor performs a search. This information allows MyCludo to tell you which device has been used for searching, broken into three types of devices: Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop. The device data can be used in . . . Read more