What is an Audience?
The Audiences feature is designed to offer a more personalized search experience for the visitor by adjusting the displayed results based on the known data on the visitor. The visitor data is registered using Google Tag Manager, which in return are turned into “traits”. These traits are used to define an audience in MyCludo.
Audiences can be used for Banners and Page rankings, letting you configure those tools to only be active for a certain audience. This allows for pinned top results (Page Rankings) or even custom content (Banners) to be shown to some visitors only because of the visitors’ past history, combined with their current search query.
How to set up an Audience
The Audiences feature allows certain features to react to the visitor tags, defined in Google Tag Manager. Because this feature requires a connection between Cludo and Google Tag Manager, it requires a bit more technical setup than some other features. Once the initial setup is complete, adding different audiences in MyCludo will be a breeze.
Add Cludo to Google Tag Manager workspace
This only has to be done once per website.
The following steps refer to actions outside Cludo. These steps may not be completely accurate as Google Tag Manager can change their configuration process over time.
The first step of the setup is to configure the Cludo Search Tag to be initialized with Google Tag Manager on the website.
- Log into Google Tag Manager.
- Click on New Tag.
- Type a new name for the tag in the Untitled Tag field.
- Under Tag Configuration, Click Choose a tag type to begin setup…
- Click the top banner labeled Discover more tag types in the Community Template Gallery.
- Click the magnifying glass icon and type “Cludo”.
- Click the result labeled Cludo Search By Cludo.
- Alternatively: Add the Cludo search tag from this page.
- Click the Add to workspace button.
- In the pop-up warning, click the Add button.
- Under Triggering, Click Choose a trigger to make this tag fire….
- Select All pages – Page View.
- Click the Save button.

Set up a Cludo Search Tag in Google Tag Manager
Once the Cludo Search has been added to the workspace, it is possible to set up tags, which will later be used in Cludo to define one or more audiences.
Google Tag Manager allows for many different triggers to define when the tag is set for a visitor. This guide will show how to set a tag when visiting certain URLs on the site, but keep in mind there are many other options as well.
- Log into Google Tag Manager.
- Click on New Tag.
- Type a new name for the tag in the Untitled Tag field.
- Under Tag Configuration, Click Choose a tag type to begin setup….
- Under Custom, select Cludo Search.
- Set the Event Type drop down to Trait.
- Type a tag name in the Trait Value field. This value is important and will be used later in MyCludo.
- Under Triggering, Click Choose a trigger to make this tag fire….
- Click the plus icon to add a custom trigger.
- Type a new name for the trigger in the Untitled Tag field.
- Under Trigger Configuration, Click Choose a trigger type to begin setup….
- Under Page View, select Page View.
- Under This trigger fires on, select Some Page Views.
- Under Fire this trigger when an Event occurs and all of these conditions are true set
- First drop down to Page URL
- Second drop down to Contains.
- input field to the URL value. For example “/articles/”.
- Click the Save button.
- Click the plus icon to add a custom trigger.
- Click the Save Button.

Creating an Audience in MyCludo
- In the navigation, select Content › Audiences.
- Click the New button at the top of the table.
- Type a name in the Name field. This is only used internally and will be displayed in your Audiences overview.
- Insert the trait value in the Trait field.
- Click the Create Audience button.
- Optional: If the configuration has already been created for the audience, click the Add action button and add the desired action.
- Click the Skip For Now / Save button.