Category: Insights & Analytics

What is the search term analysis?

When interacting with the dashboard and analytics in MyCludo, it is possible to see a full search term analysis for a specific search term. By simply clicking a specific search term from the list, a full analysis is shown for the given search term to provide further insight into the . . . Read more

Device data

Device data is a set of data that the browser shares with Cludo when a visitor performs a search. This information allows MyCludo to tell you which device has been used for searching, broken into three types of devices: Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop. The device data can be used in . . . Read more

Geo data

Geo data, or geographical data, is information regarding a visitor’s physical location when making a search. For each search, the browser will send some geographical data along with the search request. This data can be used to drill down on search activity for visitors by focusing on specific countries or . . . Read more


What are Intents? Intents is the name of a feature that analyses all search terms and attempts to group them by a specific subject. This allows better analytics of the overall intent of the visitor, without having to manually combine a lot of similar search terms.˛ Using machine learning, all . . . Read more