Tag: Implementation

What are search categories?

The “Category” field is a standard field in the crawler, and can be set up to identify a specific type of content when crawling. This can be useful when implementing the template as it becomes very easy to implement a filter on said category. The example above is just one . . . Read more

How to change default translations

Default translations are the small pieces of text that appear in the template of the website, such as “did you mean..” or “your search for …”. These are automatically translated into the language that the search is set up for. However, it is possible to rephrase or change the translation. . . . Read more

How to customize search using CludoJS options

When implementing search on a website, the CludoJS can be used to enable/disable and customize certain features. The options are defined as an object with multiple options. The table below describes each of the options available, what they do, and examples of values.All options are available for custom templates, however, . . . Read more

What is Search-as-you-type (SAYT)?

Search-as-you-type (SAYT) is a feature that allows search results to appear as direct links alongside search suggestions while the visitor is entering their search term. When enabled, the search will present search results for every few keystrokes. This allows for faster visitor searching in general, as the visitor can stop . . . Read more

Search templates

This article contains the following sections: What are Search templates? How to implement Cludo using a Search template How to style Search templates What are Search templates? Cludo offers two global templates that can easily be implemented onto the website. Currently, two global templates are supported: Typically, a search template is . . . Read more

What browsers does Cludo support?

The MyCludo interface is designed for desktop first but responsive support, which means it will resize and adjust to individual screens sizes including mobile devices. Compatible MyCludo browsers Compatible Template browsers The overlay and inline templates and any custom implementations by Cludo are compatible on all platforms (Desktop, Mobile, Tablet) . . . Read more