Best practice for handling broken page rankings

Cludo supports detection of broken page rankings. This article covers how to handle these.

Why is my page ranking detected as broken?

The listed pages in a page ranking are checked against the current index of the corresponding engine. Thus, if a ranked page does not exist in the corresponding index, it will be detected as broken. When a page ranking is detected as broken, a red exclamation mark will appear in the page rankings overview as well as in the page ranking itself.

Assessing broken page rankings

  • If the URL in the page ranking has been updated or changed recently, remove the current URL from the page ranking and add the new one
  • If the URL is leading to a page that no longer exists, remove it from the page ranking
  • If you are unsure whether the URL is in your index, you can check it in the Page Inventory tool
  • If you think the URL should be in your index and are having trouble finding a solution, don’t hesitate to reach out to support