Author: Cludo

How to create a Misspelling

With misspellings, you can manually add terms to be corrected automatically in the search. A term that you added a misspelling for will always be corrected to the spelling you’ve defined. You have now added a Misspelling. All of your search engines using this language will correct the defined misspelling . . . Read more

How do users work in MyCludo?

Users in MyCludo are able to work with tools and configurations. It is possible to restrict user access to certain areas or engines. Only users who are marked as administrators are able to remove and modify other users. Furthermore, only admin users have access to the following features: Depending on . . . Read more

How to style the Intelligent 404 module

Once Intelligent 404 is implemented on a website, it is possible to use the following CSS selectors to style how elements should appear on the website. Results title Results list Results list items Results list items title Results list items links Loader animation

How does the “did you mean” feature work?

When a search only returns a few results, the search engine may also suggest other search terms for the visitors to use. See the table below for details on which actions happen depending on the number of results. Number of results Event 0 The search engine will automatically correct the . . . Read more

How does automatic spelling correction work?

Sometimes, your visitors may search for a term that does not exist in any of the indexed content. In such a case, the search engine will look for similar terms that do exist within the index. If it successfully finds a similar term, the search will automatically replace the original term . . . Read more

Best practice for crawlers

Setting up a crawler is a required step in configuring a functional search engine. You should consider both the configuration of the crawler as well as how many crawlers you should create. Language Crawlers are language-specific, so sites with support for multiple languages should configure one crawler per language. Remember . . . Read more

Best practice for intents

By grouping individual search terms into broader topics, the Intents feature is a great way to learn from your search activity and allows you to take steps toward a better site and search setup. When looking at the Intents analytics, consider why visitors are using the search engine to find . . . Read more

Best practice for misspellings

The Misspellings feature allows you to add custom corrections of misspellings. However, it is not the only way the search engine will attempt to correct an incorrectly spelled search term. Before you set up a bunch of misspellings for common search terms, it can be good to understand what is . . . Read more

How to refine a search query

With Cludo, when performing various searches, it is possible to utilize different characters to further refine the query and make a more advanced search. These search options can be used by any user, but may not be intuitive unless this documentation is read. You can consider including parts of this . . . Read more

Best practice for page rankings

Page rankings allow manual pinning of the most important results for specified search terms. Before configuring page rankings, there are certain things to consider. Since the page rankings are manually maintained, they will not change until a MyCludo user manually changes the configuration. If the need for the page ranking . . . Read more